GMA7® Ultimate Protection Set
- Regular price
- $382.00
- Sale price
- Regular price
- $382.00
- $547.00
The perfect trio of skincare products to rejuvenate and maintain healthy, glowing skin. The set contains the serum Rejuvenat, with powerful anti-aging peptides; the intense nourishing of Renutriate Sensitive to naturally activate the beauty of regenerative medicine; and the broad-spectrum mineral sunscreen Protectif Untinted for the highest level of sun protection plus premium moisturizing and fortifying ingredients. All backed by decade of skin research and powered by Genoplex Microdelivery Activator® technology.
Key Technology
How to Use
Before & Afters

Innovation of GMA7®
The revolutionary formulation of Genoplex Microdelivery Activator redefines what a cream can be.
Gene-Level Repair
The GMA7® effects on skin go far beyond blemish reduction and skin maintenance. Skin treated with GMA7® is shown to be rejuvenated as a result of treating the skin’s microbiome and repairing skin DNA.
Breakthrough Formulation
Patent-pending GMA7® represents a breakthrough in being the first and only formulation to deliver these skin-nourishing elements into one luxurious cream that returns skin to a state of optimal health and beauty.
Deep Nourishment
GMA7® utilizes microdelivery to bring nourishment to deeper layers of the skin. This technology also allows a slow release of our formulation, timing its delivery for maximum benefit to the dermis, resulting in powerful long-term benefits forevery layer of your skin.

Founder & Visionary
"I strive to provide patients with advanced, safe, and effective skincare solutions that are tailored to their individual needs."
Dr. Dusan Sajic
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