Looking put together 24/7 isn’t always possible, and that’s totally OK. But if you’re hoping to achieve a more polished look on the reg, this list can help. Beauty experts and stylists provided Bustle with feedback on common mistakes that, in their opinions, make people look “messy” — and they’re simple to avoid. Don’t get me wrong: A “messy” look can mean something different to everyone. (Messy bun? Flaunt it.) This list focuses on beauty mistakes with solutions that’ll help you look and feel your best, such as forgetting to remove makeup before bed or not protecting your hair from heat prior to styling it. Here are the most common mistakes experts say people make, and genius ways to fix them.
1. Mistake: Over-Exfoliating Your Skin Solution:
This Facial Scrub That’s Incredibly Gentle Dr. Dusan Sajic, a board-certified dermatologist and anti-aging physician, knows the benefits of regularly exfoliating but cautions that “over-exfoliating can lead to skin irritation, dryness, and damage to the skin's natural protective barrier.” Instead of harsher products, he recommends a facial scrub like this one from Cetaphil, which is effective enough for oily and combination skin but gentle enough for sensitive users. It's non-comedogenic, so it won't clog pores, and it's dermatologist-tested for safety and effectiveness.
2. Mistake: Using The Same Products Year-Round Solution:
"Your skin's needs can change with the seasons, and using the same products all year may not address these changes,” says Dr. Sajic. He recommends that you “Adjust your skincare routine and makeup products based on the season and your skin's current needs, such as using lighter moisturizers in summer and more hydrating formulas in winter.” This gentle moisturizer makes a great warm-weather option that’s super lightweight and nourishing, thanks to ingredients like vitamin B5, vitamin E, and borage seed oil.
3. Mistake: Not Using A Foundation That Suits Your Skin Tone Solution:
“An incorrect foundation shade can make your makeup look unnatural,” according to Dr. Sajic. He recommends this matte liquid foundation by Maybelline for its wide range of shades and its smooth coverage, especially for skin types ranging from normal to oily. His tip to find the perfect hue? “Test foundation shades on your jawline, rather than the back of your hand, to find the perfect match,” Sajic advises.
4. Mistake: Ignoring Your Eyebrows Solution:
It’s easy to ignore your brows when you’re applying a full face of makeup, but Dr. Sajic says that “Neglected eyebrows can make your overall appearance look messy and unkempt.” He recommends this eyebrow pencil to keep them looking like sisters, not twins (you know, cute and well-groomed sisters). Its precise pencil shades both thick and fine hairs alike for a gorgeous finish, and its retractable tip draws super-fine lines to blend beautifully with your brows.
5. Mistake: Applying Makeup To Unclean Skin Solution:
"Makeup applied to dirty skin can trap dirt and oil, leading to breakouts and an uneven makeup application,” cautions Dr. Sajic. If that doesn’t sound like fun to you, pick up this hydrating cleanser; it's gentle enough for sensitive skin, and it's made with nourishing niacinamide and ceramides to keep dry skin feeling hydrated. Wash your face with this and apply a moisturizer you love, and you’ll be more than ready to take on that makeup tutorial.